Do you love grilling food and enjoy the delicious sear marks on your steak, chicken, or veggies? If so, you might want to learn how to use the Weber sear station, a feature that creates a hot zone on the grill for searing food faster and better. In this article, I will show you how to use the Weber sear station, as well as some tips and tricks to get the most out of it.

The Weber sear station is a special burner that is located between two main burners on some Weber gas grills. It produces a concentrated heat that can reach up to 900°F, which is ideal for searing food quickly and creating those beautiful grill marks that enhance the texture and taste of your food. The sear station also helps to reduce flare-ups and cook food more evenly, as you can move the food from the sear zone to a cooler part of the grill to finish cooking.

Time needed: 10 minutes

Using the Weber sear station is not difficult, but it does require some preparation and attention. Here are the main steps to use the Weber sear station:

  1. Pre-heat the grill with the sear station

    The first step to use the Weber sear station is to pre-heat the grill properly. This will ensure that the sear station is hot enough to sear food effectively and that the rest of the grill is at the right temperature to cook food evenly.

  2. Sear food on the sear station

    The second step to use the Weber sear station is to sear food on the sear station. This is the fun part, where you get to see and hear the sizzling of your food and smell the mouthwatering aroma.

  3. Use the reverse sear method for some food

    The third step to use the Weber sear station is to use the reverse sear method for some food. The reverse sear method is a technique that involves cooking the food almost to completion over a lower temperature, and then moving it to the sear station just before it is done to sear it.

Let’s go over each step in detail and see how you can use the Weber sear station to make your grilling experience more enjoyable and satisfying.

How to Pre-Heat the Grill with the Sear Station

The first step to use the Weber sear station is to pre-heat the grill properly. This will ensure that the sear station is hot enough to sear food effectively and that the rest of the grill is at the right temperature to cook food evenly. Here is how to pre-heat the grill with the sear station:

  • Start the grill and light the main burners, leaving the sear burner off. You can use the electronic ignition system or a long match to light the burners. Make sure to open the lid before lighting the burners to avoid gas buildup.
  • Close the lid and let the grill pre-heat for about 15 minutes. This will allow the grill to reach a high temperature and heat up the cooking grates. You can use a grill thermometer to check the temperature of the grill. Ideally, you want the grill to be around 500°F to 550°F for searing food.
  • Adjust the burners if needed. Depending on the size and model of your grill, you may need to adjust the burners to create different heat zones on the grill. For example, you can turn the burners on the left and right sides to low or medium, and leave the burner in the middle on high. This will create a hot zone in the middle for searing food, and a cooler zone on the sides for finishing cooking.

How to Sear Food on the Sear Station

The second step to use the Weber sear station is to sear food on the sear station. This is the fun part, where you get to see and hear the sizzling of your food and smell the mouthwatering aroma. Here is how to sear food on the sear station:

  • Light the sear burner. Depending on the model of your grill, you may need to press a button or turn a knob to light the sear burner. The sear burner will ignite automatically and produce a blue flame. You can adjust the intensity of the sear burner by turning the knob. The higher the setting, the hotter the sear station will be.
  • Place the food on the sear station. Once the sear burner is lit, you can place the food on the sear station. Make sure to pat the food dry with a paper towel before placing it on the grill, as this will help to create a better sear. You can also season the food with salt, pepper, and other spices to add more flavor.
  • Sear each side of the food. Depending on the thickness and type of the food, you may need to sear each side for a different amount of time. As a general rule, you want to sear each side for about 2 to 4 minutes, or until you see nice grill marks on the surface. You can use a spatula or tongs to flip the food, but avoid piercing the food with a fork, as this will release the juices and make the food dry.
  • Move the food to a different part of the grill to finish cooking. After searing the food on the sear station, you can move the food to a cooler part of the grill to finish cooking. This will allow the food to cook more evenly and reach the desired doneness. You can use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the food. For example, for a medium-rare steak, you want the temperature to be around 130°F to 135°F.

You can sear almost any food on the Weber sear station, as long as it is not too thin or delicate. Some examples of food that can be seared are:

  • Steak
  • Chicken
  • Pork chops
  • Salmon
  • Shrimp
  • Asparagus
  • Corn
  • Zucchini

How to Use the Reverse Sear Method

The third step to use the Weber sear station is to use the reverse sear method for some food. The reverse sear method is a technique that involves cooking the food almost to completion over a lower temperature, and then moving it to the sear station just before it is done to sear it. This method is useful for some food that are thick, tough, or need more time to cook, such as:

  • Thick cuts of meat, such as ribeye, porterhouse, or tomahawk
  • Brisket
  • Roast
  • Turkey
  • Ribs

The reverse sear method has some advantages over the traditional sear method, such as:

  • It allows the food to cook more evenly and retain more moisture, as the lower temperature prevents the food from drying out or burning on the outside.
  • It creates a more uniform and consistent sear, as the food is already cooked and only needs a short time on the sear station to create the crust.
  • It gives you more control over the doneness of the food, as you can check the temperature of the food before searing it and adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Here is how to use the reverse sear method with the Weber sear station:

  • Pre-heat the grill with the sear station off. You can follow the same steps as before, but leave the sear burner off. You want the grill to be around 250°F to 300°F for the reverse sear method.
  • Place the food on the grill and cook it slowly. You can place the food on the indirect heat zone, which is the part of the grill that is not directly over the burners. You can also add some wood chips or chunks to the grill to create some smoke and add more flavor to the food. You can close the lid and let the food cook slowly, checking the temperature occasionally with a meat thermometer. Depending on the size and type of the food, this may take from 30 minutes to several hours.
  • Move the food to the sear station and sear it quickly. When the food is almost done, you can light the sear burner and move the food to the sear station. You can sear each side of the food for about 1 to 2 minutes, or until you see a nice crust on the surface. You can then remove the food from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.


The Weber sear station is a great feature that can enhance your grilling experience and make your food more delicious and appealing. By following the steps and tips in this article, you can learn how to use the Weber sear station effectively and enjoy the benefits of searing food. Whether you use the traditional sear method or the reverse sear method, you can create amazing dishes that will impress your family and friends.

I hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. If you want to learn more about grilling and Weber products, you can visit their official website or check out some of their videos on YouTube. Happy grilling!